Friday, January 25, 2008


It's Friday night. I just got home a little bit ago. My new phone cost 238 bucks since I was mid-contract. It would have cost 100 if it was 11/08 and I'd lost my phone. Good news? I have 30 days to return it for full refund if my old phone turns up.

I called Lost & Found today, I had to be patched through via the Security Console. The first time I called, nobody picked up when they transfered the call. When I spoke to Security again, they said "We can't find the Lost & Found employee, can we take your number?" I wanted to be a smarta*s and ask "Did you look in the closet?" (That's where they keep all of the items they find, a huge locked closet.)

When L&F finally called me back, they hadn't seen my phone. None of my coworkers have seen it either.


It will keep me listing new things regularly in my shop, that's for sure!

Tomorrow? I list my apple & pear zipper pouch! I also have to do laundry and sew more things.

I'm super thirsty, I'm going to go drink a few glasses of water and fall asleep early.

<3 Always,

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