Saturday, March 22, 2008

Three Day Weekend!

Good Morning!

I have tomorrow off from my fulltime job for Easter, which means I am in the middle of a three-day weekend! Awesome!

I haven't updated in a while (Bad Taina!), but I will give a summary of what's been going on in my handmade world:

Last weekend I bought a bunch of speckled chocolate M&M eggs to make birdsnest cookies for tomorrow and proceeded to eat a whole lot of chocolate, leaving not enough for cookies. One day I will learn that planning anything having to do with candy in advance doesn't work in my household. =)

I listed an owl coin purse and a leaf coin purse! I'm so stoked about them:

(Click photos for more info!)

The owl fabric makes me smile.

My spring fabric came in from FabricStash and I LOVE it! 4 half yards of different prints. I prewashed it all and cut clutch pattern pieces out of them, leaving enough fabric for more coin purses and maybe even a few makeup bags.

Yesterday I went downtown to Mood Fabrics on a hunt for heavy duty interfacing in white. No such luck. They sent me to a place on 39th Street, I asked for heavy-duty fusible interfacing, the employee swore it was fusible, I stupidly took his word for it, brought it home and nope! Doesn't fuse. I have no idea what I am going to do with this stuff. I'm using my black heavy-duty interfacing now, which doesn't show through, so it's not that huge of a deal, but I was partial to my pellon. I will have to order some online. le sigh!

My cards from MagicJelly arrived a couple days ago! She's such an awesome artist. I'm going to send one to my Etsy Penpal, Nadine.

I made my first clutch ever last night. I'm so excited by it! I think I'm going to keep it for my Easter outfit and make more for my etsy shop. I'm actually not religious at all, but Easter and Christmas are the two days my family gets dressed up and has a big dinner.

Okay, it's 10:30am, I want to make another clutch, list it, and head to the farmer's market for organic eggs to dye tonight.

<3 Always,