Saturday, November 22, 2008

The problem w/ money in my paypal account...

I sold a handful of items in the last 8 days and am feeling quite good. The problem? I am in the middle of switching banks, so I don't want to transfer my money in my paypal acct. to my bank account before closing and opening a new savings account.

So I've got a little bit of money in Paypal and I keep seeing things on Etsy that I want to purchase. Not things I need, just...well...VERY impulsive items.

Dorian (one of my roommates) and I have talked about taking a burlesque class for months now. I have never thought of myself as sexy. I think maybe I had one instance where I felt powerful and female and ::gasp!:: almost sexy. I think a burlesque class might do wonders for my self-esteem. Dorian and I talked about it again today while she read my current issue of "Bust" magazine (it's a feminist mag, not porn!)

Well, I'm browsing Etsy and came across these:

If you click the image, you will see the first photo of the model, and she looks H-O-T. I am not posting that photo so that my blog continues to be work-safe.

If I were a burlesque dancer, I'd definitely want a pair of handmade sequined heart pasties that are "easy for twirling". Seeing as though I have money in Paypal, I almost bought them. What would I do with sequin heart pasties without a Burlesque class? I'm not even currently seeing anyone! lol.

So I think this is the plan: Continue to exercise and do 30 mins of Pilates daily, find a Burlesque class once the holidays are over, and support the handmade revolution by purchasing sequined heart pasties from Etsy.

I already know the song I'd want to do a Burlesque skit to: Blondie's "Rip Her To Shreds"

<3 Always,


OurWanderingAdventures said...

haha I love that you almost bought them! Have fun in the class1 Sounds great!

TheSeaWithin said...

Haha! this was a hilarious post!

Go for it! I didn't know there were burlesque classes!!