Sunday, September 6, 2009

I've returned!!

Happy September, folks!

I took my shop out of Vacation mode and almost immediately began selling items again! August was a decent month, especially because I'd been on hiatus for a few weeks and August is usually quite slow for most sellers on Etsy.

I also submitted a handful of photos to CraftGawker and three of the 6 were chosen for the site! So exciting! It is making me want to take better photos of my work.

My cherry tomato plants on one of my bedroom windows are ridiculous! I planted them in a window box and a couple months ago and they've practically taken over the window.

The plants have tons of flowers, but the fruit are slow-growing. I was hoping to be able to can cherry tomato salsa for winter, so as soon as any of the fruit is ripe, I pick them and freeze them. I've got two green cherry tomatoes growing to quite the decent size on one of my plants and a bunch of tiny little babies (1mm or so) throughout both plants.

I went to see "Julie & Julia" at the AMC @ Lincoln Center last night and realized I really need to keep up with my blog and following the blogs I love. I think it'd be fun to do a DIY tutorial every two weeks. I've been meaning to etch some glassware as gifts, so that will be the first one. Coming soon...

<3 Always,

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